growing demand for energy
In the next decade, 45% more energy will be needed to meet the needs of the world's population.
environmental impact
Awareness of the environmental impact of fossil fuels and the consequences of climate change.
price of energy
The prices and availability of scarce fossil and nuclear fuels are a widespread and growing concern
Studies performed

Study of wave behavior to determine the energy that can be obtained by a buoy during a period with different wave heights.

Optimal dimensions (diameter and height) depending on wave period, wave height and bottom depth.

Spatial distribution of waves in a defined area and the shadow or influence of a buoy downstream and to the sides of the buoy (directions parallel and normal to the waves).

Floating platform design
Design of the platform-tank assembly and study of its buoyancy.

Energy capacity
Analysis of the behavior of each of the buoys pulsing in different phases of the wave, as well as of the floating platform itself. Obtaining the energy captured from the wave and the annual generating capacity according to the waves.

Due diligence (external verification)
Review of the numerical simulation methodology used and analysis that allows to deduce the conclusions presented therein.
Maximum energy absorption is achieved when the energy harvesting device is able to resonate with the waves. This means that the frequency of the waves is close to the natural oscillation frequency of the energy harvesting system. However, sea states often change and so does the frequency of the waves, so in order to obtain maximum energy harvesting, the response properties of the device must be modified in some way to keep it in resonance. This is achieved by controlling the generator load to vary the holding force exerted on the shaft so that the stiffness and damping factors of the system are modified.
Using this method, the frequency response of the device is averaged for each sea state. Since the change of the mean period of the waves from one state to another happens in intervals ranging from minutes to hours, the device can adapt to the variation of the spectrum after averaging over a period of time.
To obtain these average values in irregular waves, the functions of time representing the physical parameters of the waves can be decomposed into their fundamental harmonics by applying the Fourier transform. The control process is performed using a variable speed solution since it has the following advantages over the fixed speed control solution:
On the other hand, the power system used is based on a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) due to the performance it brings to the system:
The objective of the control system should not always be to obtain the maximum response of the device to all sea states. In extreme swell conditions it is in the interest of just the opposite, i.e. to intentionally "unadjust" the device in order to reduce its movements. This is an important survival mode.

Subgeneration provision
Study of wave behavior to determine the energy that can be obtained by a buoy during a period with different wave heights.

Overgeneration provision
Optimal dimensions (diameter and height) depending on wave period, wave height and bottom depth.

Safety provision
Spatial distribution of waves in a defined area and the shadow or influence of a buoy downstream and to the sides of the buoy (directions parallel and normal to the waves).
Differential advantages